Re-Engaging At-Risk Gym Members Playbook

Get everything you need to build an effective strategy to re-engage at-risk gym members – including 9 ready-to-use (or adapt) email templates. 

An image of the playbook for re-engaging at-risk gym members on a tablet device.

Boost retention – and profitability

Want to increase retention and profitability too? You’ll need to have an effective strategy to re-engage those members who are at-risk of cancelling imminently.

It’s more expensive to win a new member than it is to keep existing ones. If you’re regularly losing members and are over-reliant on signing up new members, you could be impacting profitability.

If you can reduce attrition and increase retention, you’ll grow member life time value – boosting profitability. To do this, you need to be able to see when members are likely to leave and target them with an effective re-engagement strategy.

We’re here to help.

In this playbook for Re-engaging At-Risk Gym Members, you’ll find out how to:

  • Measure the success of your re-engagement efforts
  • Spot an at-risk gym member
  • Design a re-engagement strategy that’ll retain at-risk members